Shifting from 3D to 5D

There I am. Sitting in the hammock. I am observing the iguana climbing the tree. The leaves slightly moving with the breeze of the wind. I can feel my feet deeply anchoring in the ground. It feels like the ground has become an extension of my feet. Like there is no difference between my feet and the ground anymore. And while the iguana is climbing the tree I feel like a part of me is climbing that tree. How cool!

The last few months I have been transitioning from the third to the fifth dimension. In this blog I would like to share a little about my process and share with you a few signs that could point to your own ascension process. But before I do that I want to quickly introduce what I believe are the third and the fifth dimension of consciousness.
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The third dimension

I see the third dimension as the material world. It is the world that we all live in. It is the world of the physical, of the tangible, of the visible. We cannot live without the third dimension as we simply need it to survive. If only the third dimension would be here than energy would not exist. Everything would be as you see it. There would be nothing beyond. Your soul is part of your human body. But as all bodies are separated, are souls are separated.

The fifth dimension

The fifth dimension is the dimension of the invisible, of the intangible. It is the dimension of energy. In the fifth dimension there is more than what the eye can see. In the fifth dimension the soul can travel and remembers that we are all born from the same soul. In this dimension we remember that we are all one even though we live in separate human beings. This is the dimension of unity and connection with all there is.Many people confuse the concept of soulmates and Twin Flames, but they are actually quite different. While soulmates are often described as people who share similar life experiences and values, Twin Flames are two halves of the same soul. This means that the connection between Twin Flames is much deeper and more profound than any other type of relationship.

7 signs that you are moving from the third to the fifth dimension

You are becoming one with all that is

One of the clearest signs is that the veil of separation between you and the world starts dropping. For me it went quite extreme and I would feel like I became part of the ground as I was sitting on it and could feel the beating of the earth as if it was my own. But it is as simple as looking at an object, or thing and feeling a connection with it. Realizing that it is made from energy just like you.

Judgments are falling away

When this realization is starting to hit, you will also start to look differently at other people. Judgments will start falling away as you see yourself in the eyes of the other. You will start looking through eyes of love rather than hate and start seeing the beauty in the people around you.

More and more heart opening

This will lead to more and more heart opening. You might experience this very consciously with feelings of vibrations inside of your heart space. It will feel like the walls of your heart are breaking and more and more light and love can enter through your heart space.

Deep grounding

A deep grounding will take place. So above, so below. That means that when you are able to ascend, your spiritual team will also be working with you to ensure that your body will be able to stay on the ground. If that would not be the case, it would simply be you flying out of your body and that would not help. So while you are raising vibration, you might also experience stronger grounding. Better regulation of heat, more sensations in the feet and more energy all around. If you want to learn more about grounding, definitely check out our grounding video.

A deep grounding will take place. So above, so below. That means that when you are able to ascend, your spiritual team will also be working with you to ensure that your body will be able to stay on the ground. If that would not be the case, it would simply be you flying out of your body and that would not help. So while you are raising vibration, you might also experience stronger grounding. Better regulation of heat, more sensations in the feet and more energy all around. If you want to learn more about grounding, definitely check out our grounding video.

Your spiritual gifts are opening more and more

By the time you have arrived in the fifth dimension your spiritual gifts will have fully opened. You might experience new spiritual gifts opening inside of you as you are ascending and might feel more and more at ease with your own spiritual gifts as you feel more peace within yourself.

You feel more and more empty

Ascending to the fifth dimension is not only fun and joy. It can also be scary at times. It means losing your sense of identity in a way and also your sense of body a bit at the beginning. For me it really felt like I did not have a body at the beginning and as if all cells were just simply consciousness. When we are used to the third dimension and really feeling our body with its blocks, it can be quite strange to feel so empty! We will make a separate blog on the difficulties in the ascension process so make sure to check it out.


I hope this article gave you some tools as to how to recognize how you are ascending from the third dimension to the fifth dimension. We have also created a video for you with some more information and signs so have a watch if you feel called. And remember that we are there for you throughout your ascension process. You are so welcome in our whatsapp group, or join one of our courses that can guide you through your process.

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